Pet Parent Archives - Canine Compilation

Pet Parent

We pet-parents adore our mutts, but we need to look after ourselves too! Have you noticed that so many of us feed our dogs better than ourselves, and spend more on dog accessories than on things for ourselves…?! I know I do! This section has tips and advice to make life as a pet-parent easier.

dogs wearing homemade bow-ties and bandanas

Dog Moms and Pet Parents We pet parents love our pups more than anything. I’m sure that just like me, your dog is your world […]

picture of dogs and candles with text Which candles are dog safe?

Which Candles Are Bad for Dogs? The Dangers of Many Candles Mmm-hmmm… that gorgeous smell that wafts through the air when you go into some

A dog with Halloween decoration

5 Tips for a Happy Halloween for You and Your Dog I love halloween, but there may be some aspects of it that our dogs

A dog shaking and a dog jumping with text How to help a reactive dog

In another article, I talked about why it’s important for dogs to sniff when out on a walk, and how sniffing lowers a dog’s pulse


Review of Guilty Paws Custom Pet Art Products Scroll through the photos on your phone and what will you find? Pictures of your partner, garden


Golden Retrievers – A Good Family Dog The Golden Retriever is one of the most adopted dog breeds in the world, with an impressive history


How To Groom Your Dog Properly Your dog is an important member of your family, and you want to make sure that he or she

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