treyathay, Author at Canine Compilation


dogs playing in the grass

Navigating the Risks of Grass Seeds for Dogs Ah, summertime! Most people’s – and dogs’ – favourite season. Almost all of us look forward to […]

dogs wearing homemade bow-ties and bandanas

Dog Moms and Pet Parents We pet parents love our pups more than anything. I’m sure that just like me, your dog is your world

dogs having fun playing games and playing with dog toys

Dog Games and Toys for Dogs, Dog Training Toys and games don’t just entertain our dogs, but they keep them mentally stimulated and physically fit

image of happy, healthy dogs, with text 'dog care: tips and information for a healthy and happy dog'

Tips and Information for a Healthy and Happy Dog Looking for positive ways to look after your dog? Natural and holistic dog care information for

image of dogs eating dog treats, with text 'dog treats and dog food'

Homemade Dog Treat Recipes, Dog Food Information and Raw Dog Food Reviews Although my family have always had dogs, I didn’t really start paying attention

picture of dogs and candles with text Which candles are dog safe?

Which Candles Are Bad for Dogs? The Dangers of Many Candles Mmm-hmmm… that gorgeous smell that wafts through the air when you go into some

A dog with Halloween decoration

5 Tips for a Happy Halloween for You and Your Dog I love halloween, but there may be some aspects of it that our dogs

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